In April 2021, in a new apartment and the arrival of good weather: the barbecue season was officially open! Inspired by the heat outside, Nolan went and bought some peppers, fruit and, well, beer. Accompanied by a few curious friends, it was the start of a long series of little “happenings” for the Potvin-Browns. These moments featured a multitude of flavors, chokes, tears and glasses of milk.
Little by little, the hot sauces got people talking and the first orders quickly appeared. What was a fun hobby quickly became popular. In January 2022, Élise joined the project. Together they launched La Sauce MTL.
Who is behind La Sauce MTL
La Sauce MTL was created by Nolan Brown, with over 10 years of cooking experience. Along with by his fiancé at the time with experience in the hospitality and events industry, Élise Potvin.

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